Elastizell JLE Foam Concentrate is a proprietary blend of protein-stabilized surfactants. As pre-formed foam it varies the density of concrete and produce a closed cell cellular material.
Elastizell foam expansion material is added to a specification specific cementitious mixture design to produce Elastizell Lightweight Cellular Concrete.
Elastizell cellular concrete is a mixture of cement, water and pre-formed foam. Designs utilizing fly ash, sand, vermiculite and add mixtures may be included for specific densities and strengths to meet project specific requirements.
Elastizell cellular concrete is designed for densities varying from 20-120 pcf for insulation, semi-structural, and geotechnical applications. This concrete is pumped into place and finished prior to setting.
Elastizell pre-formed foam is created by first diluting one part Elastizell JLE Foam Concentrate with 40 parts water. This solution passes through a specially designed foam nozzle which combines it with pressurized air causing it to expand producing foam with the appearance of shaving cream.
A predetermined quantity of the pre-formed foam is added to the concrete slurry while mixing to produce cellular concrete. The foam volume controls the density of the concrete by creating stable air cells with-in the concrete matrix. These air cells are coated with cement paste that upon setting result in a discrete closed cell structure, thereby making the Elastizell concrete relatively impervious. Elastizell pre-formed foam is formulated to resist the physical and chemical forces imposed during mixing, pumping and hydration of the blended material.